EnableCaptcha($captcha); //1. Add your email address here. //You can add more than one receipients. $formproc->AddRecipient('info@designstoshine.com,krivar@upcmail.hu'); //<<---Put your email address here //2. For better security. Get a random tring from this link: http://tinyurl.com/randstr // and put it here $formproc->SetFormRandomKey('XsHVufPpgD9Epwl'); $formproc->AddFileUploadField('photo','jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp',2024); $formproc->AddFileUploadField('resume','doc,docx,pdf,txt',2024); if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if($formproc->ProcessForm()) { $formproc->RedirectToURL("https://www.designstoshine.com/designstoshine_thank_you.html"); } } ?> Designstoshine webmaster's contact and chat support

Welcome to our webmaster's page.

Thank you for your interest in this Webmasters project.

Job Description!

Web Design / Development
Programing / Graphics
SEO (search engine optimization)

Customers support.

Take a little time and let us know
the things that you like about the site and
more importantly what you think should work better.

Help us to give you the best service possible.
Please let us know about any inconvenience that you experience.

Webmaster's contact schedule:

Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Excluding holydays!

Webmaster Support

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